B&O Shepherd Branch

      B&O Railroad Pass from 1933       ORW Pass for 1913          

Operating Rules

Governing Rules

Rule No. 1 – The owner establishes the rules for their railroad.

Rule No. 2 – In case of disagreement with owner about operating procedures or equipment usage, see Rule No. 1.

Operating Rules

The B&O Shepherd Branch subscribes to the Uniform Code of Operating Rules for Anachronistic Era Railroads.

  1. One or two freight cars may be moved into and out of industrial sidings without air and brake tests.

  2. Before three or more freight cars may be moved, air and brake tests must be conducted. (Delay equal to 30 scale seconds per car in string.)

  3. Unprotected grade crossings must be flagged. (Delay equal to 5 scale minutes for flagman; don’t forget to slow down after clearing crossing to pick up flagman.)

  4. Bobber cabooses (4-wheels, 2 axles) must never be between the locomotive and the freight cars when train is in motion. (Note: Bobber cabooses are no longer used on the Shepherd Branch.)

  5. Switches/turnouts are assumed to be manual unless designated by rule book to be under the control of the dispatcher, tower operator, or yard master.

  6. A member of the train crew must be “in position” to throw a manual switch/turnout.

  7. Switches/turnouts must be returned to the main/through position before the train crew leaves the area unless instructed differently by rule book, train orders, dispatcher, or tower operator.

  8. Locomotives must come to a stop before changing directions.

  9. Trains operating outside yard limits must have cabooses for protection.

  10. When operating in double track or passing sidings, through trains should bear to the right (right-hand running) unless instructed differently by rule book, train orders, dispatcher, or tower operator.

The following rules are in addition to those published in the Uniform Code:

  1. Protected grade crossings may be blocked for no more than 10 scale minutes by a stationary car or train; unprotected grade crossings may be blocked for no more than 30 scale minutes by a stationary car or train.

  2. Trains operating in Uniontown may not pass Port Shepherd Yard Limit marker.

  3. Switchers operating in Benning Yard or Port Shepherd respectively may not pass yard limit markers.

  4. The switches/turnouts in Benning Yard and Shepherd Junction are tower controlled.

  5. Fast clock is 6:1; 1 hour = 10 minutes; 1 minute = 10 seconds.

  6. The DCC system uses two- and four- digit addressing. The last two digits of a locomotive’s number are used.

  7. Telephones for contacting the dispatcher are located at Shepherd Junction Tower, Twining City Freight House, Uniontown Phone Box, and Port Shepherd Yard Tower.